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品 牌: 美国Triathler 
型 号: 清楚分辨α、β、γ污染 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
所在地: 四川 成都市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-05-22
浏览次数: 1264
发布供求信息 推广企业产品
建立企业商铺 在线洽谈生意





美国Triathler液体闪烁计数器是一种简便的,便携式的单井的测试仪器。测量时它可以迅速给出液体闪烁计数的结果。另外还可以选配一个碘化钠测量井,可进行伽玛测量。在液体闪烁计数这个模式下,有氢-3,碳-14,磷-32,磷-33的预置模式,并且也可以为其它的放射性核素进行安全可靠的检测.在发光计模式下,此计数器支持在微生物学、免疫学以及基因遗传等反面的研究检验。 随机附带的软件有数据出口,可以连接打印机和电脑。可以尽心比较先进的光谱分析和装置检控。各种各样的样品架可以放置各种不同规格的样品玻璃瓶和玻璃管。

●    单键操作,简便轻巧
●    计数结果测量快速,准确,节省时间
●    试剂反应的高灵敏度
●    无须额外标准源,进行DPM快速淬灭校正
●    能区分α,β射线
●    为了得到低的本底,内部进行铅屏蔽
●    根据现场情况,可带或不带充电电池
●    可选配自动加样器
●    计算机接口软件
●    氚擦拭检验
●    放射性化学
●    分子生物学
●    生物技术
●    三磷酸监测
●    生命科学研究
●    环境监测
●    辐射安全

1、 放射性试验室:可以作为α、β、γ污染检测仪。其检测阈值较高,Triathler上的擦拭检验,可大大提高污染检测的灵敏度。
2、 油井检测:为测量油井中的3H,以确定原油的流向和堵井渗漏的成败,油田的测井部门必须在野外取样并带回实验室。如用Triathler几可在野外直接测量,既提高了实效还可及时复采样品,以免意外事故时的不可补救。
3、 远洋考察:14C-光合作用的研究,广泛应用于海洋浮游生物的生长。如南极考察的采样都需精心保护,时隔数十天后方能回国测量。Triathler则提供了海上立即测量的可能性。
4、 实验室监测:在PET(正电子发射断层扫描)实验室中,必须连续动态监测短寿命放射性同位素,Triathler可以为其提供数据和图像。
5、 环境监测:自来水厂、矿泉水厂和环保部门都必须对水中/空气中的某些放射性核素(如222Rn)进行监测。
6、 医院诊断:在医院,Triathler可用于125I放射免疫和14C-尿素呼气试验。前者已相当普及,后者自1996年来,以推广至300多家医院。
7、 实验仪器在生物实验室,可以用于32P-ATP测量,发光免疫,细菌测量。
8、 学生实验:在大专院校中,Triathler适用于本科生和硕士生的课题,对于核技术/核医学方面的学生,更便于学生系统理解四种检测方法。




Triathler is a revolutionary tool for scientists involved in biotechnology, medicine, life science, life science research and environmental monIToring. It is a small, manual single-well instrument that performs liquid scintillation counting, gamma counting and luminescence counting.

A portable LSC for general & high sensitivity alpha counting applications.

For instant LSC counting results, at site. Due to Triathler's extremely small size and light weight the counting is easy to perform in the field, wherever you collect your samples.

Unmatched flexibility 
Triathler's interchangeable adapters accept most types and sizes of vials.

True ease of operation 
Place the vial in the adapter. Close the counting head cap, turn it to the measurement position, and press a selection key to start. Read the results on the display. Attach the Triathler to your PC and you can transfer the data using just a few keystrokes.

Triathler uses Multi Channel Analysis for obtaining Energy Spectrum. It incorporates Log scale & 2 Multi Channel Analyzers for Alpha beta separation. 
DPM, Dual & Triple Label Counting, Lum Reduction, Quench Correction etc.. are some of the features that are included in Triathler. 
Quench correction and DPM calculation in Triathler

Costs < 50% of the cost of LSCs that are available in the market.

Technical Specifications: 
Counting Efficiency: Typical performance is as follows: 
3H : > 50% 
14C : > 75% 
Background : < 200 cpm 
Click here for Performance Characteristics

Lower Limits of Detection : 
3H : < 10 Bq / lt 
14C : < 5 Bq / lt 
Click here for Lower Limits of Detection

Triathler for Contamination Monitoring: 
Wipe Test is one of the most frequently used method for Contamination monitoring of the Radioactive Labs.

Triathler is widely for wipe tests including wipe tests for Alpha & Positron Emitters. 
Tritium wipe tests with filter discs and wad sticks in Triathler 
Alpha ISOtope wipe tests with Triathler 
Wipe test with Pu - 239 
Wipe tests with Triathler of α- and β-contaminations 
Triathler in wipe tests of positron emission isotopes

Triathler in marine ecology : 
Triathler, being a sensitive and portable Liquid Scintillation counter, is widely used in Primary Productivity studies in Marine Ecology Studies for estimate of 14 bicarbonate uptake by Phytoplankton. 
Triathler in studies for marine ecology

Triathler in Nuclear Medicine & Radio Immuno Assays: 
Triathler MLT is widely used for estimation of  hormones Tc 99 m, 14C Urea for Helico Bacter Pylori etc 
Triathler in Radioimmunoassay RIA 
Triathler in Nuclear Medicine 
Technetium-99m (Tc-99m) with Triathler 
Triathler for Helico Bacter Pylori

Triathler with Alpha Beta Discrimination: 
Triathler employs two multi channel Analyzers & Log scale for discrimination of Alphas in presence of beta. 
Depending on the sample type & quench, the misclassification is virtually Zero. 
Triathler is widely used worldwide for estimation of Natural Radioactivity, detection of Radon & Radium, detection of Uranium, Po & Pu & other Alpha emitters. 
Triathler is also widely used for estimation of High Activity Wastes. 
Alpha and Beta separation results with Triathler 
Liquid scintillation determination of uranium (234U/238U) from water by cocktail extraction 
Radon & Radium in water 
Triathler for estimation of HAW 
Radon in water Madagascar

Triathler for Toxicity Studies ( Environmental Monitoring ) 
Triathler Luminometer with built in Injector is widely used for estimation of Toxicity of Drinking Water, Chemicals etc.. 
Kinetic toxicity detection of environmental samples 
Detecting toxicity in drinking water 
Rapid Toxicity Testing System, Environmental Technology Verification Report

Triathler for Radio HPLC Detection 
Triathler can be modified for Online Detection of 3H & 14C and can be used as Radio HPLC detector for purification of Radio nuclides. 
Radio HPLC Detector

本信息网址: http://www.cgets.net/sell/show-5576.html
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