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放大字体  缩小字体 世科网   发布日期:2011-01-13  浏览次数:4734
核心提示:2011年1月12日,美国消费品安全委员会与White-Rodgers公司联合宣布对中国产数控调温器实施自愿性召回。   此次被召回的White-R

January 12, 2011
Release #11-096
Firm's Recall Hotline: (888) 624-1901
CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
HC Media Contact: (613) 957-2983

White-Rodgers Recalls Home Heating and Cooling Thermostats Due to Fire Hazard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalLED products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
Name of Product: Programmable thermostats
Units: About 180,000 in the United States and 8,300 in Canada
Manufacturer: White-Rodgers of St. Louis, Mo.
Hazard: The programmable thermostats constantly charge the backup AA batteries used to power the thermostat抯 clock. This can cause the batteries to leak, resulting in a fire hazard.
Incidents/Injuries: The firm is aware of three incidents involving minor property damage. No injuries have been reported.
Description: This recall involves all White-Rodgers programmable thermostats with model numbers 1F88-XXX and 1F85RF-275 and date codes beginning with 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 and 1001 through 1039. The model number is printed on the thermostat抯 front pull-down panel door. The date code is located inside the removable front cover. White-Rodgers and/or the utility company抯 name and logo are printed on the front of the thermostat. These thermostats were able to be controlled by power companies in homes that took part in energy demand reduction programs.
Distributed by: More than 40 utility companies to consumers nationwide who took part in energy conservation programs and by various HVAC wholesalers for about $150.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately remove the two AA batteries from the thermostat and contact White-Rodgers for a free repair kit. If battery removal causes changes in furnace operation, contact White-Rodgers.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact White-Rodgers toll-free at (888) 624-1901 between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. CT Monday through Friday or visit the firm抯 website at www.regcen.com/Thermostat
Note: Health Canada's press release is available at http://cpsr-rspc.hc-sc.gc.ca/PR-RP/recall-retrait-eng.jsp?re_id=1217
文章出自: 世科网
本文网址: http://www.cgets.net/news/show-618.html





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