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核心提示: 电磁兼容(EMC)测试相关IEC标准介绍 ⑴IEC555:由家用电器和类似电器装置在电源系统中引入的干扰(Disturbances in supply sys

 ⑴IEC555:由家用电器和类似电器装置在电源系统中引入的干扰(Disturbances in supply systems caused by household appliances and similar electrical equipment).

  IEC 555-1(1982)第一部分:定义(Part 1:DefinITions).

  IEC 555-2(1982)第二部分:谐波(Part 2: Harmonics).

  1984年第一修定本(Amendment No.1 )(1984)。

  1988年第二修定本(Amendment No.2 )(1988)。

  1991年第三修定本(Amendment No.3 )(1991)。

  ⑵IEC725(1981) 用于确定在家用电器和类似电器装置中干扰特性的基准阻抗的考虑(Considerations on reference impedances for use in determining the disturbance characteristics of household appliances and similar electrical equipment).

  ⑶IEC816(1984) 在低电压电源线和信号线中的短期瞬变信号的测量方法指南(Guide on methods of measurement of short duration transients on low voltage power and signal lines).

  ⑷IEC827(1985) 关于在家用电器中的电压波动的限制指南(和IEC555-3有关)(Guide to voltage fluctuation limits for hoursehold appliances (relating to IEC Publication 555-3)).

  ⑸IEC868(1986)闪烁测试仪(Flickermeter).(功能和设计指标)(Functional and design specifications).1990年第一修定本(Amendment No.1)(1990).

  ⑹IEC868-0(1991) 第0部分:闪烁严重性的评估(Part 0:evaluation of flicker severity).

  2 由IEC第77技术委员会出版的有关出版物(1000系列)

  (IEC publications prepared by Technical Committee No.77)

  IEC1000:电磁兼容标准(Electromagnetic compatibility )(EMC)。

  ⑴IEC1000-1-1 (1992)第一部分通则:第1节:基本定义和术语的使用和解释(Part 1:General. Section 1: Application and interpretation of fundamental definitions and terms).

  ⑵IEC1000-2-1 (1990) 第二部分:环境。第1节:环境部分介绍——低频传导干扰和在公用供电系统中信号的电磁环境(Part 2:Environment. Section 1:Description of the environment - Electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public power supply systems).

  ⑶IEC1000-2-2 (1990) 第二部分:环境。第2节:低频传导干扰和在公用低压供电系统中信号的兼容电平(Part 2;Environment. Section 2:Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public low-voltage power supply systems).

  ⑷IEC1000-2-3(1992) 第二部分:环境。第3节:和幅射与非网络频率有关的传导现象的环境描述(Part2:Environment. Section 3:Description of the environment-radiation and non-network-frequency-related conducted phenomena).

  ⑸IEC1000-2-4(1994)第二部分:环境。第3节:在工厂环境中的低频传导干扰的兼容电平(Part 2;Environment 4:Compatibility levels in industrial plants for low-frequency conducted disturbances).

  ⑹IEC1000-3-3(1994)第三部分:限制。第3节:用于用电设备的额定电流值≤ 16A的低电压供电系统的电压波动和闪烁的限制(Part 3:limits -- Section 3:Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low –voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current≤ 16A).

  ⑺IEC1000-3-5(1994)第三部分:限制。第5节:用于用电设备的额定电流值≥16A的低电压供电系统的电压波动和闪烁的限制(Part 3:Limits -- Section 5: Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16A).

  ⑻IEC1000-3-6(1996)第三部分:限制。第6节:用于中电压和高电压供电系统的失真负载的幅射限制的评估——基本EMC出版物(Part 3:limits -- Section 6:Assessment of emission limits for distorting loads in MV and HV power systems -- Basic EMC Publication).

  ⑼IEC1000-4-1(1992)第四部分:测试和测量技术(Part 4:testing and measurement techniques).

  第1节:抗干扰测试总论。基本EMC出版物。(Section 1:Overview of immunity tests. Basic EMC Publication).

  ⑽IEC1000-4-8(1993)第四部分:测试和测量技术(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques).

  第8节:电源频率的磁场抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Section 8:Power frequency magnetic field immunity test. Basic EMC Publications).

  ⑾IEC1000-4-9(1993)第四部分:测试和测量技术(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques).

  第9节:脉冲磁场抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Section 9:Pulse magnetic field immunity test。Basic EMC publication).

  ⑿IEC1000-4-10(1993) 第四部分:测试和测量技术。第十节:衰减振荡磁场的抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques. Section 10: damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity test. Basic EMC Publication).

  ⒀IEC1000-4-11(1994)第四部分:测试和测量技术。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques).第11节:电压下陷、短期干扰和电压变化的抗干扰测试。(Scetion 11:Voltage dips,short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests).

  ⒁IEC1000-4-12(1994)第四部分:测试和测量技术。(Part 4:testing and measurement techniques).第12节:振荡波的抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Scetion 12:Oscillatory waves immunity tests. Basic EMC publication).

  3 由IEC第77技术委员会出版的有关出版物(61000系列)

  (IEC publications prepared by Technical Committee No.77)

  IEC61000:电磁兼容标准(Electromagnetic compatibility) (EMC)。

  ⑴IEC61000-1-1 (1992)第一部分:总则部分1:基本定义与术语解释和使用(Part 1:General section 1: Application and interpretation of fundamental definitions and terms).

  ⑵IEC61000-2-1(1990) 第二部分:环境。第1节:环境部分介绍——低频传导干扰和在公用供电系统中信号的电磁环境(Part 2:Environment Section 1:Description of the environment -- Electromagnetic environment for low frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public power supply systems).

  ⑶IEC 61000-2-2(1990) 第二部分:环境部分。第2节:低频传导干扰和在公用供电系统中信号的兼容电平(Part 2:Environment. Section 2:Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public low-voltage power supply systems).

  ⑷IEC 61000-2-3 (1992)第二部分:环境部分介绍。第3节:和幅射与非网络频率有关的传导现象的环境描述(Part 2:Environment Section 3:Description of the environment-Radiated and non-network-frequency related conducted phenomena).

  ⑸IEC61000-2-4(1994) 第二部分:环境部分。第4节:在工厂环境中的低频传导干扰的兼容电平(Part 2:Environment. Section 4:Compatibility levels in industrial plants for low-frequency conducted disturbances).

  ⑹IEC61000-2-5 (1995)第二部分:环境部分。第5节:电磁环境的分类。基本EMC出版物。(Part 2:Environment Section 5: Classification of electromagnetic environments. Basic EMC publication).

  ⑺IEC61000-2-6 (1995)第二部分:环境部分。第6节:关于在工厂应用中的供电系统中的低频传导干扰幅射电平的评估(Part 2:Environment Section 6: Assessment of the emission levels in the power supply of industrial plants as regards low-frequency conducted disturbances).

  ⑻IEC61000-2-9 (1996)第二部分:环境部分。第6节:HEMP环境的描述——幅射干扰。基本EMC出版物。(Part 2:Environment Section 6:Discription of HEMP environment -- radiated disturbance. Basic EMC publication).

  ⑼IEC61000-3-2 (2000),2001年8月第一修定本(Amendment 1 )(2001-08)电磁兼容——第3-2部分:限制——谐波电流幅射限制(设备每相输入电流≤16A)(Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3-2:Limits -- Limits for harmonic current emissions(equipment input current≤16A per phase)).

  ⑽IEC61000-3-3(1994) 2001年1月第一修定本,电磁兼容——第3-3部分:限制——在低压电网中对设备每相额定输入电流≤16A,而不是由于电源连接的原因而造成的公用电网电压变化、电压波动和闪烁的限制(Amendment 1,2001-01,Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3-3:Limits-Limitation of voltage changes,voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low -- voltage supply systems,for equipment with rated current≤16A per phase and not subject to conditional connection).

  ⑾IEC61000-3-4 ,1998年10月第一版,电磁兼容——第3-4部分:在低压电网中对设备每相额定输入电流≥16A的谐波幅射电流的限制( First edition 1998-10 Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3-4: Limitation of emission of harmonic currents in low voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16A).

  ⑿IEC 1000-3-5,1994年12月第一版,电磁兼容——第3部分:第5节——限制——在低压电网中对设备每相额定输入电流≥16A的电压波动和闪烁的限制 (First edition 1994-12 . Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3:Limits -- Section 5: Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16A).

  ⒀IEC61000-3-6,1996年10月第一版,电磁兼容——第3部分:第6节——用于中电压和高电压供电系统的失真负载的幅射限制的评估——基本EMC出版物(First edition 1996-10. Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3:Limits -- Section 6: Assessment of emission limits for distorting loads in MV and HV power systems-Basic EMC publication).

  ⒁IEC61000-3-7,1996年10月第一版,电磁兼容——第3部分:限制。第7节——用于中电压和高电压供电系统的波动负载的幅射限制的评估——基本EMC出版物。(First edition 1996-10. Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3:Limits -- Section 7: Assessment of emission limits for fluctuating loads in MV and HV power systems—— Basic EMC publication).

  ⒂IEC61000-3-8,1997年8月第一版,电磁兼容——第3部分:限制。第8节——在低电压电子设备的安装中信号幅射电平、频带和电磁干扰电平(First edition 1997-08. Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part3:Limits -- Section 8: Signalling on low voltage electrical installations -- emission levels,frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbance levels).

  ⒃IEC61000-3-11,2000年8月第一版,电磁兼容——第3-11部分:限制——由于电源的连接和设备额定电流≤75A的公用低电压供电系统的电压波动和闪烁、电压变化的限制(First edition 2000-08 Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) -- Part 3-11: Limits -- limitation of voltage changes,voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, Equipment with rated current≤75A and subject to conditional connection).

  ⒄IEC61000-4-1(1992)第四部分:测试和测量技术——第1节:抗干扰测试总论。基本EMC出版物(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 1:Overview of immunity tests. Basic EMC publication).

  ⒅IEC61000-4-2(1995) 第四部分:测试和测量技术——第2节:静电放电测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 2:Electrostatic discharge test. Basic EMC publication).

  ⒆IEC61000-4-4(1995) 第四部分:测试和测量技术——第4节:电信号的快速变化/突变的抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 4:Electrical fast transent/burst immunity test. Basic EMC publication).

  ⒇IEC 61000-4-6(1996) 第四部分:测试和测量技术——第6节:由于射频电磁波引入的传导干扰的抗干扰。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 6:Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields).

  (21) IEC 61000-4-7(1991) 第四部分:测试和测量技术——第7节:关于用于电源系统和与之相连的谐波和谐波间的测试和测试仪器的通则 (Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 7:General guide on harmonics and interharmonics measurements and instrumentation, for power supply systems and equipment connected thereto).

  (22) IEC 61000-4-8(1993) 第四部分:测试和测量技术——第8节:电源频率电磁场的抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 8:Power frequency magnetic field immunity test.Basic EMC publication).

  (23) IEC 61000-4-9(1993)第四部分:测试和测量技术——第9节:脉冲电磁场的抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 9:Pulse magnetic field immunity test.Basic EMC publication).

  (24) IEC 61000-4-10(1993)第四部分:测试和测量技术——第10节:衰减振荡电磁场的抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 10:Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity test. Basic EMC publication).

  (25) IEC 61000-4-11(1994)第四部分:测试和测量技术——第11节:电压下陷、短期干扰和电压变化的抗干扰测试。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 11:Voltage dips,short interruptions and voltage variations immunity test).

  (26) IEC 61000-4-12(1995)第四部分:测试和测量技术——第12节:振荡波的抗干扰测试。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 12:Oscillatory waves immunity test. Basic EMC publication).

  (27) IEC61000-4-24(1997)第四部分:测试和测量技术——第24节:关于HEMP传导干扰的保护器件的测试方法。基本EMC出版物。(Part 4:Testing and measurement techniques -- Section 24 :Test methods for protective devices for HEMP conducted disturbance. Basic EMC publication).

  (28) IEC61000-5-1(19996)第五部分:安装和更改指南。第1节:一般考虑(Partie 5:Installation and mitigation guidelines -- Section 1:General considerations).

  (29) IEC61000-5-4(1996)第五部部分:装和更改指南——第4节:关于HEMP的抗干扰——关于抗HEMP幅射干扰的保护器件的技术指标。基本EMC出版物。(Part 5:Installation and mitigation guidelines -- Section 4:Immunity to HEMP -- Specifications for protective devices against HEMP radiated disturbance. Basic EMC publication).

  (30) IEC 61000-5-5(1996)第五部部分:装和更改指南——第5节:关于HEMP的传导干扰保护的技术指标。基本EMC出版物。(Part 5: Installation and mitigation guidelines -- Section 5:Specifications for protective for HEMP conducted disturbance. Basic EMC publication).

  (31) IEC 61000-6-1(1997)第六部部分:用标准。第1节:用于民用、商用和轻工业环境的抗干扰。(Part 6:Generic standards -- Section 1:Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments).

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