1. 电信事业法简介
日本电信管制的法律依据是《电信事业法》(Telecommunications Business Law,Law No. 86 of 1984),电信事业法规定了电信业务、电信设施、普遍服务提供措施、电信业务的批准和土地使用、电信业务争端解决和仲裁等方面的内容。其目的是确保正确而合理的电信运营和电信服务,促进公平竞争,保护电信用户利益。
日本的电信管制机构是日本总务省(Ministry of Internal Affair and Communications,简称MIC)。2003年以来,对于通讯,MIC先后对互联网接入、内部网、移动通信、IP电话的有效竞争政策进行审议,2005年10月,MIC对普遍服务系统也进行了审议,并决定在固定和移动业务中引入码号便携业务。
2. 执行《电信事业法》的主要法令和条例
《Cabinet Order for Enforcement of the Telecommunications Business Law》 (Cabinet Order No. 75 of 1985)
《Regulations for Enforcement of the Telecommunications Business Law》 (MPT No. 25)
《Rules for Telecommunications Business Accounting 》(MPT No. 26)
《Rules for Interconnection Charges》 (Ministerial Ordinance of MPT No. 64 of 2000)
《Rules for Category I Designated Telecommunications FacilITies Interconnection Accounting》 (MPT No. 91)
《Regulations for Telecommunications Facilities for Telecommunications Business》 (MPT No. 30)
《Regulations for Chief Telecommunications Engineer》 (MPT No. 27 )
《Rulesfor Telecommunications Numbers》 (MPT No. 82)
《Ordinance Concerning Terminal Facilities Etc.》 (MPT No. 31)
《Rules Concerning the Technical Conditions Compliance Approval for Terminal Equipment》 (MIC No.15)
《Rules for Installation Technician 》(MPT No. 28)
《Rules for Reporting on Telecommunications Business》 (MPT No. 46)
《Terminal Equipment Technical Standards Certification Regulations》(MPT No.29)