在 外贸 业务中,从报价到支付条件,再到催开 信用证 ,再到后来的单据结汇,涉及到很多专业术语 。 ?*z(1!
1.支付条件(Terms of payment) '^-4{Y^2E
(1)Our usual way of payment is by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight for the full amount of the contracted goods to be established in our favour through a bank acceptable to the sellers. 1EAVMJ
我们的一般付款方式是保兑的、不可撤销的、以我公司为受益人的、足额 信用证 ,见票即付。 信用证 应通过为卖方认可的银行开出。 k^dCX+
(2)For payment,we require 100% value,confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit with partial shipment and transhipment allowed clause,available by draft at sight,payable against surrendering the full set of shipping documents to the negotiating bank here. #*>7X>,J
我们要求用100%金额的、保兑的、不可撤销的信用证,并规定允许转船和分批装运,凭汇票向议付行交单即期付款。 q/w6sQx$
(3)The letter of credit should be established with its clauses in confirmation with the terms and conditions of the contract. Y9H *S*n
信用证所开条款 ,必须与合约条款相符。 wJeqa
(4)We usually accept payment by L/C at sight draft or by T/T in advance,but never by C.O.D. /nMqEHCyg
通常我们接受 即期信用证 付款或电汇。我们从不接受货到付款的办法 。 I^(o3B
2.催开信用证(Pressing for L/C) Bn#HJ17/#
(1)As the goods against your order No.111 have been ready for shipment for quite some time,it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering credit established as soon as possible. aIt
由于贵方 定单 第111号之货已备待运有相当长时间了,贵方必须立即行动尽快开出信用证。 l&^[cR
(2)We repeatedly requested you by faxes to expedite the opening of the relative letter of credit so that we might effect shipment for the above mentioned order,but after the lapse of 3 months,we have not yet received the covering L/C. /?dQUu^z
我们已经多次传真要求贵方从速开来有关信用证,以使我们装运上述 定单 之货。但是三个月过去了,仍未收到有关信用证。 seD+~Y\z
(3)We hope that you will take commercial reputation into account in all seriousness and open L/C at once,otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising therefrom. ]kplb0`
希望贵方认真考虑商业信誉,立即开证,否则,由此产生的一切损失均由贵方负责。 !{~7 )iq
(4)The shipment time for your order is approaching,but we have not yet received the covering L/C.Pls do your utmost to expedite the same to reach here before the end of this month so that shipment may be effected without dealy. ;k41+O:f@
贵方 定单 的装船期已经临近,但我们尚未收入到有关信用证,请尽最大努力从速将信用证在本月底开到,以便及时装运。 {u=\-|t
3.修改信用证 (Amendment to L/C) dBq,O%$oq
(1)Pls amend the foregoing L/C to read piece length in 30 yards instead of 40 yards. MdoWqpC
请把上述 信用证条款 中匹长40码改为30码。 \7tvNa,C
(2)We would draw your attention to the fact that the construction of our Art.No.3100S is 32X32 78X65 whereas your credit calls for 30X30 78X65.Therefor,you are requested to amend the credit according to the stipulationof the contract. (uK), *6B
我们提请贵方注意,我方坯布的规格为32X32 78X65,而贵方信用证却 规定 30X30 78X65,故请按照合约规定修改信用证。 MLIQ 8=
(3)Pls extend the shipment date and the validity of your L/C No.111 to the end of Jan. and Feb.15,2012 respectively,and see to it that the amendment adivce will reach us before the end of Dec.2011. 6C51:XQO
请将信用证111号的装运船和议付期分别展延至2012年1月底及2月15日,并请注意把修改书于2011年12月底前寄达我们这里。 jeBj
(4)We have received your L/C No.111 covering the above -mentioned contract.But on checking up its clauses,we find that it calls for shipment to be effected not latter than Nov.10,2011,whereas the contract stipulates shipment Dec.2011.Pls extend the shipment date to the Dec.15th 2011 and validity to the 31st of Dec. 4aGpKv