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2.5IDE转ZIF转接卡 zif转接线

单 价: 面议 
起 订: 5000 PCS 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-10-23
浏览次数: 1739
发布供求信息 推广企业产品
建立企业商铺 在线洽谈生意

类型: 转接卡 接口: CE
芯片: = 数据传输速度: 480(MB/s)
OEM: 可OEM    
产品简介 此转接卡始用于三星 东芝及日立硬盘转接用将ZIF接口的1.8寸硬盘转标准笔记本44针2.5寸IDE接口,无须外接电源。并配送ZIF(即CE)排线两条(一根东芝硬盘使用一头蓝一头白,一条日立及三星硬盘用,使用两头是蓝的那根)包装:转接卡一个,配排线两条Product brief introduction1. Can be monolIThic CF memory card is converted to CE (ZIF) hard disk interface products category, the CF card as a 1.8 "CE (ZIF) hard disk with the electronic.2. Applies to 1.8 "CE (ZIF) notebook hard drive, video game consoles, test manufacturers, such as special industrial control.3. To support high-capacity CF memory card.4. Anti-jamming design, stability and reliability of this 产品简介 此转接卡始用于三星 东芝及日立硬盘转接用将ZIF接口的1.8寸硬盘转标准笔记本44针2.5寸IDE接口,无须外接电源。并配送ZIF(即CE)排线两条(一根东芝硬盘使用一头蓝一头白,一条日立及三星硬盘用,使用两头是蓝的那根)包装:转接卡一个,配排线两条Product brief introduction1. Can be monolithic CF memory card is converted to CE (ZIF) hard disk interface products category, the CF card as a 1.8 "CE (ZIF) hard disk with the electronic.2. Applies to 1.8 "CE (ZIF) notebook hard drive, video game consoles, test manufacturers, such as special industrial control.3. To support high-capacity CF memory card.4. Anti-jamming design, stability and reliability of this   CF to IDEAdapter User ‘s ManualBrife   Compter- flash(cf)card is a moverable electronic soild-state-dilsh(SSD)with IDE interface .it’s small card with mass space.we have developed CF to IDE convrerter for your convenence.you can read CF card on IDE port   CF card is low cost.It is widely used in notebook PDA,protable instrument ,or other industrail device .in electronic factory,pople use CF card as hard-dish driver(HDD) to store test program ,because of turning on/off prower freqently will damage mechanical HDDCharacteristicAccord with:CF spec Ver 2.0 and IDE/ATA-33 specStandard IDE interface: true-IDE mode,support DMA-33 transfer mode .Support CF-1 and-2: alsosuport IBM mico-driver with CF-2 interfaceDE 40PIN/2.54mm or 44PIN/2.0mm female or male connter:plug card into IDE socket directly or connect to motherboard by a cableCF socket mounted flexible :different CF socket can be mounted ,single/double side selectable for double-side typeMaster/Save jumper : CF card on each side can be configured as MASTER or SLAVEUse CF as DOM: supply auto select from IDE40 pin -20 or FDD power connector ,or from IDE when use IDE 44.Main purpse  Compter peripheral device factory use it to test mainbord , audio card display card ,etc .In these case need power on/power off frequently,the mechanical HDD will be damaged easily CF card is an electronic HDD and nor the same princple ,will not be damaged under these case.Protable instrument with X86 or RISC core momally have IDE interface, if the CF card can nor connect to it directly ,you can use this converter to do that .Personal compter(PC): these compters with X86 cire ,these is the main purpose .some digital camera have CF card interface ,you can use this converter to assess your photograph date on your desktop compter,  Industrial PC use this conver and CF card to store embedded operating system (OS) such as LINUX or WINCE ,Also in industrail PC you can store date on CF card and thus makes date moveable .Master/Slave setting jumpers  Jumper normally has a small white triangle beside pin-1,or has a “1”beside pin-1 ,Each jumper has a cap. For double-side type (jumper has 3 pin ).  深圳市格瑞斯贸易有限公司是一家集生产型,贸易型企业。专注于WIFI无线网卡和电脑周边转接卡.转接线研发、模具开发,OEM、销售电脑周边产品和代理经营世界品牌先进刀具和眼镜生产,眼镜工具(刀具)的专业的高科技企业。主要产品是生产加工wifi无线网卡,电脑周边转接产品:(WIFI无线网卡,无线路由器,笔记本PCMCIA card,EXPRESS card,笔记本PCMCIA并口卡,1394卡,串口卡,网卡,USB-4口卡,2口卡......笔记本EXPRESS网卡。串口卡,1394卡,并口卡,EXPRESS-SATA卡,EXPRESS-PCMCIA转接卡....PCI/PCIe-USB2.0,USB3.0,1394卡,网卡,串口卡,并口卡,声卡.....监控卡。USB蓝牙适配器。CF-IDE适配器,CF-SATA,SATA-IDE,读卡器等等,USB-并口线,USB打印线,USB-232串口线等系列产品)所有产品基本有RoHS,CE,FCC认证及支持VISTA系统。公司还大量提供PCMCIA外壳,EXPRESS,蓝牙外壳,232线和1284打印线等等的外壳销售和外壳开发一条龙服务2010年增加多媒体音箱生产线,致力研发私模迷你音箱,为广大客户奉献更多精品私模外壳音箱  刀具方面:目前我公司在一直致力于将世界优秀的金属切削刀具在中国推广和应用,在试切削和销售经历中,集各家刀具之所长,并将其成功地运用于金属切削加工各个行业(如模具制造业、眼镜加工业、机械制造业、汽车、摩托车及其零部件制造业等)。特别在模具制造业,我们除了发挥各国优秀的刀具之外,还设计了众多适合目前中国模具加工行业的特殊刀具,解决了很多模具加工的难题,在很大程度上提高了其生产效率。五金机械、切削工具,经营良好,取到国际著名品牌的代理商,且拥有了经销优质品牌如TUNGALOY(东芝),KYOCERA(京瓷), MITSUBISHI(三菱),日本MITUTOYO精密量具,YAWAMA(弥满和),瑞士SANDUIK(山特维克)刀具、日本HITACHI(日立)、美国KENNAMETAC(肯纳),韩国KORLOY等系列刀具“千里之行始于足下”,我们正以稳健扎实的步伐挤入现代化建设潮流,以精湛技术和良好的服务为基础,面向企业、拓宽思路,为企业提供优良的技术和设备,架设国内外贸易桥梁。公司本着“求实、创新、奋进”的企业精神,不断更新,充实自己,以朝气蓬勃、热情的心态欢迎企业您的加盟,为企业效益更上一层楼。我们的目标是:“将先进的技术设备融入用户的管理,为用户和企业创造更大的发展空间。”使得用户在享受科技最新成果的同时获得最大的经济收益。我们是一个青春的团体,朝气蓬勃,不怕困难和挫折,我们坚信,我们会做的更好。 
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