MIL-STD-461E w[@>k@= i_?";5B" MIL-STD-461E: "DOD Interface Standard Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment" was published on August 20, 1999 and consolidates MIL-STD-461D and MIL-STD-462D into one Standard. The associated Data
ITem Descriptions (DIDs) are as follows:
JFe %W?}.D 42mi 7%f DID NUMBERDID TITLE v2R41*z, "/6<k0.D& DI-
EMCS-80199B Electromagnetic Interference Control Procedures (EMICP)
yNVuSj DI-
EMCS-80200B Electromagnetic Interference Test Report (EMITR)
| _/D-m* DI-EMCS-80201B Electromagnetic Interference Test Procedures (EMITP)
!@ EJ $P#Cf&R Major changes MIL-STD-461D/462D to MIL-STD-461E: \5UwZx\ 9!sx isc]- EUT hardware and software must be representative of production. Susceptibility scan rates and the frequency of measurement system test checks were revised.
Fhw:@@= x]umh{H~ · Conducted Emissions ]UyIp`nV; Rfh#JO@%[ CE101: is no longer applicable to shipboard equipment
b%>vhj&F l<
8RG@ · Conducted Susceptibility a.)Gd]}g Q`ERI5b6 CS101: applicability and limits were extended to 150 kHz
FGIAM CS109: measurement procedures were revised
($:s}_<>s CS114: limits were revised
eaP,MkK& CS115: applicability was revised for several equipment classes
[.;$6C/? CS116: measurement procedures were revised;
/NFv?~</k applicability was revised for several equipment classes
}.O,P'k · Radiated Emissions JmB7tRM8 u
'-4hU RE101: the 50 cm requirement was deleted; limits are more stringent
)70-q yA RE102: limits were revised for submarine equipment
mk?&`_X1 V&82U w · Radiated Susceptibility $%!'c#
F g[<K FVlG RS101: limits were revised for Navy applications; added an alternative test using the Helmholtz coil
S RS103: added use of mode-tuned reverberation chambers above 200 MHz
[5Zs%!Z;8N RS105: limits were revised for consistency with
IEC Standards
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