MIL-STD-461E cLamqZf3 hd+JKh!u
MIL-STD-461E: "DOD Interface Standard Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment" was published on August 20, 1999 and consolidates MIL-STD-461D and MIL-STD-462D into one Standard. The associated Data
ITem Descriptions (DIDs) are as follows:
%$Mvq&ZZ kf^Wzp DI-
EMCS-80199B Electromagnetic Interference Control Procedures (EMICP)
=P DI-
EMCS-80200B Electromagnetic Interference Test Report (EMITR)
si0jXue~j\ DI-EMCS-80201B Electromagnetic Interference Test Procedures (EMITP)
H"xC~. ^BSMlKyB Major changes MIL-STD-461D/462D to MIL-STD-461E: M%sWtgw( @y{Whun~ isc]- EUT hardware and software must be representative of production. Susceptibility scan rates and the frequency of measurement system test checks were revised.
gfFP-J3cN x$ ?{)EY · Conducted Emissions =;i@,{
~ CE101: is no longer applicable to shipboard equipment
BOoLs(p '@3hU|jO! · Conducted Susceptibility 0-oR
{ :[ F`tDL CS101: applicability and limits were extended to 150 kHz
uHkL$}C CS109: measurement procedures were revised
Vv~rgNh CS114: limits were revised
<03 @c s CS115: applicability was revised for several equipment classes
rj& CS116: measurement procedures were revised;
L:"i,K#P applicability was revised for several equipment classes
p:U9#(v) 2qLRcA=R · Radiated Emissions M/C7<?& E5qh]z( RE101: the 50 cm requirement was deleted; limits are more stringent
xzTTK+D@ RE102: limits were revised for submarine equipment
a<9gD,]P ovJ#2_ · Radiated Susceptibility I:l<t* ^*(*tS|M RS101: limits were revised for Navy applications; added an alternative test using the Helmholtz coil
^]:w5\DG RS103: added use of mode-tuned reverberation chambers above 200 MHz
1vKc>+9 RS105: limits were revised for consistency with
IEC Standards
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