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本帖被 admin 从 食品农产 移动到本区(2012-12-10)
2008 年12月16日,欧洲议会和理事会发布关于食品添加剂的法规REGULATION (EC) No 1333/2008 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL。该法规替代欧盟现行食品添加剂法规:规定食品添加剂的通用要求与规定的框架指令89 /107 /EEC;1994年6月30日发布的关于食品使用甜味剂的指令94/35/EC;1994年6月30日发布的关于食品使用色素的指令94/36/EC;1995年2月20日发布的关于除色素和甜味剂以外的食品添加剂的指令95/2/EC。 \r^*4P,, 2011年11月11日,欧盟发布法规 (EU) No 1129/2011 和(EU) No 1130/2011,(EU) No 1131/2011 ,对EC) No 1333/2008做了修订。上述法规将于2011.12.2 生效,部分法规内容将于2013.6.1生效。但94/35/EC, 94/36/EC,95/2/EC指令中的附件仍然适用。 [X=J]e^D 欧盟指令94/35/EC 中对食品中甜味剂的使用要求做了规定,其中环己烷氨基磺酸及其钠盐和钙盐Cyclamic acid and its calcium and sodium saltsE 952,最大使用量以游离环己烷氨基磺酸计,具体使用要求见下表: :^*9Eb O({vHqN> l!9G 食品类别 | ZW>?y$C+ 食品中文名称 | x"xtILrI 食品英文名称 | Ey* *j 最大使用量 | Z2soy-
不含酒精的饮料Non-alcoholic drinks | XF=GmkO 低热量、不加糖的水基料饮料 | `Q~`Eq?@ Water-based flavoured drinks, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | PN@[k:5( 250 mg/l | 1> wt 低热量、不加糖的奶和奶衍生品、或果蔬基料的饮料 | d/3
k3HdL Milk-and milk-derivative-based or fruit-juice-based drinks, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | +w'{I`QIL0 250 mg/l | d}
e/f)( 甜点及类似食品Desserts and similar products | q,H
0=\ 低热量、不加糖的水基料点心 | Tr@} Water-based flavoured desserts, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | b6E,u*)" 250 mg/kg | i'}Z>g5D 低热量、不加糖的奶和奶衍生品基料点心 | 5
LZ+~!2+ Milk-and milk-derivative-based preparations, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | E*_lT`Hzf 250 mg/kg | h
r!Htew4 低热量、不加糖的果蔬基料点心 | wZV/]jmlEt Fruit-and vegetable-based desserts, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | _Xn[G>1 250 mg/kg | ua-
cX3E 低热量、不加糖的蛋基料点心 | ,:!dqonn Egg-based desserts, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | t6)wR 250 mg/kg | 5YG?m{hyn_ 低热量、不加糖的谷物基料点心 | k^IC"pUc Cereal-based desserts, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | #sq$i 250 mg/kg | ^dzg'6M 低热量、不加糖的脂肪基料点心 | K 8gd?88 Fat-based desserts, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | p6yC1\U!o 250 mg/kg | 6J|Y+Y$ 糖果Confectionery | xM/B"SG2 不加糖的糕点 | ~ZSP K;D[ Confectionery with no added sugar | dfDz/sD* 500 mg/kg | ^/3R/;? 低热量、不加糖的可可或干果基料点心 | wv2 Cocoa-or dried-fruit-based confectionery, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | GB(o)I#h 500 mg/kg | R18jju>Zr 低热量或不加糖的淀粉基料糕点 | d (Fb_ Starch-based confectionery, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | (o1
*7_]e 500 mg/kg | t&SC>8M< 低热量、不加糖的可可、奶、干果或脂肪基料三明治 | LsnM5GU7 Cocoa-, milk-, dried-fruit or fat-based sandwich spreads, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | (>x4X@b 500 mg/kg | ?=
B$-)/ 不加糖的口香糖 | 5'/Ney9N Chewing gum with no added sugar | -,Q
!: 1 500 mg/kg | 2<Tbd"x?
低热量、不加糖的食用冰 | (KDUX
t. Edible ices, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | ;/fZh:V2 250 mg/kg | [lpzUB}<Yp 低热量、不加糖的罐装或瓶装水果 | O+Fu zCWj Canned or bottled fruit, energy-reduced or with no added sugar | :A\8#]3 1 000 mg/kg | bsw0+UY=9 低热量的酱、果冻和果酱 | ugEh}3 Energy-reduced jams, jellies and marmalades | %nQii?1`i 1 000 mg/kg | H 3YFbR 低热量果蔬制品 | NDW6UFd>1 Energy-reduced fruit and vegetable preparations | _ji"##K 250 mg/kg | tr6<89e(o 特殊营养用途的精制烘焙食品 | 5w)tsGX\ Fine bakery products for special nutritional uses | n0_q-8r 1 600 mg/kg | {
ZiJnJX 1996/8/EC定义的用于减肥低热量食品 | sK8=PZ\ Foods intended for use in energy-restricted diets for weight reduction as referred to in Directive 1996/8/EC | ufE;rcYE 400 mg/kg | ld8 E!t[ 1999/21/EC定义的特殊医用膳食食品 | V9*Z Dietary foods for special medical purposes as defined in Directive 1999/21/EC | ;uj&j1 400 mg/kg | 0b%"=J2/p. 添加在液态型中,2002/46/EC指令中定义的食品补充剂 | _ KBN Food supplements as defined in Directive 2002/46/EC supplied in a liquid form | wQ
/IT}- 400 mg/kg | FES_:?.0 添加在固态型中,2002/46/EC指令中定义的食品补充剂 | YqhZndktX Food supplements as defined in Directive 2002/46/EC supplied in a solid form | (- `h8M 500 mg/kg | U5N/'p%)< 不含酒精饮料与啤酒、苹果酒、梨酒或葡萄酒的混合饮料 | `yYo Vu* Drinks consisting of a mixture of a non-alcoholic drink and beer, cider, perry, spirits or wine | #=mLQSiQ 250 mg/l | EXDZehLD<] 不加糖的微甜口气清新剂 | .J0s_[ Breath-freshening micro-sweets, with no added sugar | ~d]X@(G& 2 500 mg/kg | a *?bnw? 基于维生素和矿物元素,并添加在糖浆型或咀嚼型中,2002/46/EC指令中定义的食品补充剂 | dm8N;r/w Food supplements as defined in Directive 2002/46/EC, based on vitamins and/or mineral elements and supplied in a syrup-type or chewable form | /J''`Tf 1 250 mg/kg | {nvF> FXMrD,qVg 欧盟对食品添加剂的使用要求可登录下述网址查询:http://www.tbt-sps.gov.cn/foodsafe/xlbz/Pages/foodadditive.aspx E,u/^V9x