韩国认证KC mark bIX'|= KC R^fk
dHcGe{T^( Contents of Marking 5
M.KF;P ① KC mark q}nL'KQ,n ② Certification number(or application no. of "Confirmation Letter of Declaration") !'-|]xx( ③ Product Name (IT shall be written in Korean.) efK)6T^p ④ Model name w|"cf{$^x ⑤ Input Rating 80/6-_g( ⑥ Manufacturer Name xJ;DkPh ⑦ mark for double insulation appliances
~)RKpRga\p ⑧ Rate input time if the input period of products is short v{R:F ⑨ Production date (e.g. year and month of the production date or lot number) UE3#(:xA ⑩ Phone number of service provider (It shall be located in Korea.) W6Os|z9&| ⑪ EMI or EMI/EMS Mark (Optional) O_PKS$sz{ EMI/EMS }ph;~og}y
12 新要求 aZe[Nos 전기용품안전관리법에 의한 표시 (I?CW~3#
电器用品安全管理法依据标签(上面韩文一定要) ]"Do%<