新鲜蔬菜 fj
UnITed States Standards for Grades of Beet Greens ;K<e]RI;?
甜菜叶子的美国等级标准 )(~s-x^\z@
United States Standards for Grades of bunched carrots WF0%zxg ]
捆萝卜的美国等级标准 L3:dANG
United States Standards for Grades of Beets ;xFx%^M}br
甜菜的等级标准 QC7Ceeh]4
United States Standards for Grades of Bermuda-Granex-Grano Type Onions _DPWp,k<~
Bermuda-Granex-Grano类型洋葱的标准 JmDi{B?
United States Standards for Grades of Brussels Sprouts C
抱子甘蓝的美国等级标准 *A
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United States Standards for Grades of Bunched Shallots e?W-vi%
捆葱的美国等级标准 KT1/PW
United States Standards for Grades of Bunched Spinach ^z&eD,
菠菜的美国等级标准 t']d_Vcza
United States Standards for Grades of Cabbage W[trsFP1?
卷心菜的美国等级标准 z~[:@mGl
United States Standards for Grades of Cantaloups W\mj?R
香瓜的美国等级标准 =l6aSr
United States Standards for Grades of Carrots with Short Trimmed Tops Y,1ZvUOB
短剪顶萝卜的美国等级标准 >uVo'S.
United States Standards for Grades of Cauliflower gc~nT/lfK
菜花的美国等级标准 GyU9,>|~T
United States Standards for Grades of Celery OIi8x?
芹菜的美国等级标准 R _#x
United States Standards for Grades of Collard Greens or Broccoli Greens 9W^sq<tR
羽衣甘蓝叶和椰菜叶的美国等级标准 w'Y(doY,
United States Standards for Grades of Common Green Onions X#;n Gq)5
普通绿色洋葱的美国等级标准 VO"/cG;]*
United States Standards for Grades of Creole Onions 0.pZlv
克利奥尔洋葱的美国等级标准 L{pz)')I
United States Standards for Grades of Cucumbers VtP^fM^{
黄瓜的美国等级标准 T]er_n
United States Standards for Grades of Dandelion Greens GG0H3MSc
蒲公英嫩叶的美国等级标准 }na0
United States Standards for Grades of Eggplant eeVDU$*e=
茄子的美国等级标准 LoUHStt
United States Standards for Grades of Endive, Escarole or Chicory "U"phLX
菊苣的美国等级标准 #r|qitL3
United States Standards for Grades of Fall and Winter Type Squash and Pumpkin 3 as~yF
秋南瓜和冬南瓜的美国等级标准 zAW+!C
United States Standards for Grades of Field Grown Leaf Lettuce QGCg~TV;
田地种植的叶用莴苣的美国等级标准 7z2Q!0Sz
United States Standards for Grades of Fresh Asparagus [+F6C
鲜芦笋的美国等级标准 `@<~VWe5
United States Standards for Grades of Fresh Peas
新鲜豌豆的美国等级标准 o5E5s9n
United States Standards for Grades of Fresh Tomatoes @CtnV|
新鲜番茄的美国等级标准 ;=UkTn}N?l
United States Standards for Grades of Garlic 0;L.h|R T(
大蒜的美国等级标准 )GKY#O09x9
United States Standards for Grades of Globe Artichokes v@d]
朝鲜蓟的美国等级标准 ATWa/"l(H-
United States Standards for Grades of Greenhouse Cucumbers \>tx:;D3
温室黄瓜的美国等级标准 Ftdx+\O_i&
United States Standards for Grades of Greenhouse Leaf Lettuce M2nWvU$
温室叶用莴苣的美国等级标准 vawS5b
United States Standards for Grades of Greenhouse Tomatoes HPXJRQBE
温室番茄的美国等级标准 ZUakW3f
United States Standards for Grades of Honey Dew and Honey Ball Type Melons .JBTU>1]_n
哈密瓜的美国等级标准 bs'hA@r
United States Standards for Grades of Horseradish Roots G0h e'BR
山葵根的美国等级标准 r%9=75HA
United States Standards for Grades of Italian Sprouting Broccoli ZA \;9M=
意大利发芽椰菜的美国等级标准 K,,'{j2#f
United States Standards for Grades of Kale buDz]ec
羽衣甘蓝的美国等级标准 ,'n`]@0?\
United States Standards for Grades of Lettuce pwRCfR)" X
生菜的美国等级标准 qCB{dp/
United States Standards for Grades of Lima Beans V{fG~19
青豆的美国等级标准 TuC
United States Standards for Grades of Mushrooms D=SjCmG
蘑菇的美国等级标准 DG}s`'
United States Standards for Grades of Mustard Greens and Turnip Greens 7*
芥菜叶子和芜箐甘蓝叶子的美国等级标准 ;%k C?Vzi
United States Standards for Grades of Okra >nvnU`\
秋葵荚的美国等级标准 aMVq%{U
United States Standards for Grades of Onion Sets VGc.yM)&
洋葱幼苗的等级标准 Z{/GT7 /
United States Standards for Grades of Onions (Other Than Bermuda-Granex-Grano and Creole Types) G(ZEP.h`u
洋葱的美国等级标准 jp1e3 Cg
United States Standards for Grades of Parsley gdg``U;)p
香芹的美国等级标准 [)kuu
United States Standards for Grades of Parsnips LFZ*mRiuKE
欧洲防风根的美国等级标准 7j29wvSp5
United States Standards for Grades of Pea Pods Rg+#(y
豌豆荚的美国等级标准 ?YUL~P
United States Standards for Grades of Peppers (Other Than Sweet Peppers) .g?D3$|K
除了甜椒外的胡椒的美国等级标准 TP~1-(M)}
United States Standards for Grades of Potatoes X[f)0w%