7 )*q@
Thermal insulation products for buildings-Factory made products of expanded cork(ICB)-Specification v+C%t!dx
建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产胀紧软木(ICB)产品-规格 /_r` A
EN 13171:2001 $l_\9J913
Thermal insulation products for buildings-Factory made wood fibre(WF)-Specification -nqq;|%
建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产木纤维(WF)产品-规格 2%vG7o,#
EN 13171:2001 yH0vESgv
Thermal insulation products for buildings-Factory made wood fibre(WF)-Specification h/]));p
建筑用隔热产品-工厂生产木纤维(WF)产品-规格 6|QIzs<Z-X
EN 13172:2001 A`*Sx"~jdx
Thermal insulating products-Evaluation of conformity 7*>,BhF#
建筑用隔热产品–合格评估 4VhKV JX
5.土工和土工相关材料: ~:99
EN 13249:2000 @PV3G
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products-Characteristics required for use in the construction of roads and other trafficked areas ]v l?J
土工织物和土工织物相关产品——用于道路建设 8aTo
EN 13250:2000 7MIrrhk
Required characteristics for geotextiles and geotextile-related products used in the construction of railways \S>GtlQbn
土工织物和土工织物相关产品——用于铁路建设 dst!VO:
EN 13251:2000 .9q`Tf
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products-Characteristics required for use in earthworks, foundations and retaining structures ]{18-=
土工织物和土工织物相关产品——用于土方建设、基础建设 ))I[@D1b
EN 13252:2000 \"b'Z2g
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products-Characteristics required for use in drainage systems 9>=S@hVMd
土工织物和土工织物相关产品——用于排水系统 Tr,
EN 13253:2000 {/i&o
Gextextiles and geotextile-related products-Characteristics required for use in erosion control works jXIVR'n(
土工织物和土工织物相关产品——用于控腐蚀系统 lS?
EN 13254:2000 XO}SPf-
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products-Characteristics required for use in the construction of reservoirs and dams tc
土工织物和土工织物相关产品——用于水库和水坝建筑 UL"
EN 13255:2000 " : V@AT
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products-Characteristics required for use in the construction of canals L&&AK`Ur3l
土工织物和土工织物相关产品——用于沟渠建设 B^C5?
EN 13257:2000 Z61
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products-Characteristics required for use in solid waste disposals DS ;.)P"
土工织物和土工织物相关产品——用于固体废物处理 Xt!wOW
EN 13256:2000 b?:?"
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products-Characteristics required for use in the construction of tunnels and underground structures l0eh}d
土工织物和土工织物相关产品——用于隧道和地下设施建设 L$ZsNs+
EN 13265:2000 K;]Dh?
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products-Characteristics required for use in liquid waste containment projects n>xuef
土工织物和土工织物相关产品——用于液体废水污染工程 W
6.混凝土用纤维产品: %-
EN 14889-1:2006 G$2Pny<!
Fibers for concrete-Part1:Steel fibers-Definitions, specifications and conformity zm#%]p80f
混凝土用钢纤维—1:钢纤维的定义、性能和一致性 2\CZ"a#[
EN 14889-2:2006 @{ L|&Mk!
Fibers for concrete-Part 2:Polymer fibers-Definitions, specifications and conformity A-u!{F
混凝土用钢纤维—2:聚合物纤维的定义、性能和一致性 !w/]V{9`X
7.防水柔性板: ?(M]'ia{
EN 13967:2004 @]L$eOV_
Flexible sheets for waterproofing-Plastic and rubber damp proof sheets including plastic and rubber basement tanking sheet-Definitions and characteristics eF?jNO3
防水柔性板——塑料和橡胶屋面防水板低温下拉伸后防水性的测定 I_|W'%N]
EN 13969:2004 c_Iq
Flexible sheets for waterproofing-Bitumen damp proof sheets including bitumen basement tanking sheet-Definitions and characteristics ?8)k6:
防水柔性板——防水卷材建筑防水土壤潮气和水用沥青板定义和性能 &UAYYH
EN 13859-2:2004
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Flexible sheets for waterproofing-Definitions and characteristics of underlays-Part1:Underlays for walls ES)_X:\X?V
防水柔性板—衬垫物定义和性能:墙壁用衬垫防水渗透性测定 lU`t~|>r+
EN 14909:2006 ;aH3
Flexible sheets for waterproofing-Plastic and rubber damp proof courses-Definitions and characteristics L }R-|
防水柔性板—橡胶和塑料涂层 7?8+h
EN 14967:2006 @B!gxW\C
Flexible sheets for waterproofing-Bitumen damp proof courses-Definitions and characteristics 'fZ\uMdTx
防水柔性板—沥青防潮层 CDT;AdRw7
EN 13859-1:2005 3!8 u
Flexible sheets for waterproofing-Definitions and characteristics of underlays-Part1:Underlays for discontinuous roofing [}5mi?v
防水柔性板—衬垫物定义和性能:非连续式屋顶渗透性测定 6Q_ZP#oAV
EN 13970:2004 0J
Flexible sheets for waterproofing-Bitumen water vapour control layers-Definitions and characteristics 0iKAg
防水柔性板—防水卷材沥青防水汽板定义和性能 ViU5l*n;
EN 13984:2004 k{bC3)'$#R
Flexible sheets for waterproofing-Plastic and rubber vapour control layers-Definitions and characteristics 5+t$4N+P
防水柔性板—柔性防水板塑料和橡胶蒸汽隔离层定义和特性 (^58$IW71
EN 13707:2004 T>,[V:
Flexible sheets for waterproofing-Reinforced bitumen sheets for roof waterproofing-Definitions and characteristics 2rHQ7
防水柔性板——防水柔性板屋顶防水沥青板接头剪切抗性的测定 /)sP<WPQ6
EN 13956:2005 Lzx2An@R
Flexible sheet for waterproofing-Plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing-Definitions and characteristics UYzNaw4/x
防水柔性板——防水柔性板屋顶防水用塑料和橡胶薄板 {
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