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壹、環境管理系統-附使用指引之規範 HB {w: Vm_y,;/(-R 簡介 %Gl, V5z& %bZ3^ ub}t 各種組織正日益關注藉由管制其各項活動、產品及服務對環境的影響,及考慮其環境政策及目標去達到及展示健全的環境績效,此種作為之形成肇因於日益嚴苛的立法、經濟政策及其他措施發展所助長的環境保護,和相關團體對環境議題,包含永續經營。 @]6)j& 許多組織已經採行環境“審查”或“稽核”單獨施行,並不足以保證組織績效符合且將持續符合其法規及政策要求。為了達到有效運作,他們必須於一個結構化的管理系統內施行並與整體的管理活動整合。 5aL0N p+snBaAo} 國際環境管理系統標準設計其目的在提供能與其他管理要求整合的有效環境管理系統元素,以協助組織達成環境及經濟目標。上述標準,如同其他國際標準,不是設計在製造非關稅的貿易障礙,或者去增加或改變組織的法律義務。 }EE
=y,_FFoS 本國際標準載明了上述環境管理系統的要求,本標準的撰寫可適用於各種形態及大小的組織且可包含不同的地理、文化及社會情況。方法的基本原理如圖1所示,系統的成功取決於來自各階層及功能的承諾,尤其是來自高階管理階層承諾,一個如上所述的系統,可以幫助公司去建立程序並評估其有效性以設定環境政策及目標,達成符合政策之目標及對外展示符合規定。本標準的整體目的在支持環境保護及污染防治,並求得與社會經濟需求的平衡,必須注意的是許多的規定也許同時述及,或隨時更改。 ;EW]R9HCH YgQ_P4B; 本國際標準敘述了組織環境管理系統認證/登錄和/或自我宣告的要求,和一個非認證目的,其指導綱要設計以提供一般性協助予組織建立及改進其環境管理系統之間有很大的不同,環境管理包含議題範圍寬廣,包括策略性及競爭性的暗示,組織可以依本標準成功推行的展示,向相關團體保證組織已實行合適的環境管理系統。 Z?oFee!4 f6PXcV
支援環境管理技術的指導綱要將包含在其他的國際標準。 mdypZ 1f_ r,2x?Qi 本國際標準只包含為認證/登錄和自我宣告目的,所謂客觀稽核的規定,組織需要廣泛環境管理議題的較一般性指導綱要,可參考ISO-14004“環境管理系統一原則、系統及支援技術的一般指導綱要”。應注意的是本標準並不是超出環境政策所承諾建立符合相關法規及持續改進的絕對環境績效標準,所以二個施行相同活動的組織,有不同的環境績效,也許都符合本標準規定。 OC#o JwC 4Yt:PN2 系統性的採用及施行系列的環境管理技術可為所有相關團體獲致最佳結果。然而,採用此標準本身並不保證最佳之臨境結果。為達成環境目標,環境管理系統應鼓勵組織在經濟可行下,考慮施行合適之最佳可能技術,再者,上述技術的成本效益應被完全考慮。 ym2\o_^( :V HJD 本標準並沒有設計去論述,也並沒有包括職業健康及安全管理情況的規定,然而本標準並不嘗試去排斥組織發展上述管理系統元素的整合。雖然如此,認證/登錄的過程將僅施用於環境管理系統部份。 A_{QY&%m *;m5^i<,;S 本標準採用與ISO-9000品質系統標準系列共通的管理系統原則,組織也許選擇使用現成組成ISO-9000系列的管理系統作為環境管理系統的基礎。然而,應該了解的是管理系統內不同元素的應用也許因不同的目的及相同團體而有差異,品質管理系統處理的是顧客需求,而環境管理系統論及品質範圍包含有關團體的需求及社會對環境保護演變中的需求。 BpDf4)| 7_E+y$i= 本標準所規定的管理系統需求不需要獨立構建於現存管理系統元素之外,在某些情況下採行現行管理系統元素有可能符合本標準要求。 1#(,Bq4 [@rZ.Hsl 1.適用範圍 6IPhy.8 J^
P/2a#a 本國際標準規定環境管理系統的要求,使組織能考慮法令規定和重大的環境衝擊等相關資訊而擬訂環境政策及目標。此標準適用於組織可以控制以及預期能有影響的環境考量面。本標準本身並沒有陳述特定的環境績效準則。 6 [a CjW iWCN2om 本國際標準適用於任何期望做到下列各事項的組織: ?lR)Hi ]o6yU#zn~e 實施、維持及改進環境管理系統;
0>H<6Ja 確保其符合本身宣告的環境政策; aZ*
b"3 向他人展現其符合性; NvJu)gI% 尋求由外部組織對本身的環境管理系統給予驗證/登錄; O5Yk=-_m 由本身進行符合本標準的自行評定與宣告。 KOhy)h+ h )\`TZLR 本標準所有要求項目均可納入任何環境管理系統中。至於實際應用的程度,則必須依照組織的環境政策、作業活動性質以及作業條件等因素來決定。本標準也在附錄A中提供應用本規範的參考性指導綱要。 DXSZ#^,S[W ukS@8/eJ 任何應用ISO-14001之適用範圍必須清楚界定。 1'c!9 備註:為便於使用,規範本文和附錄A的主要條文之間採用了相對應的編號方式;例如4.3.3節及A.3.3節都是討論環境目標和標的之問題,而4.5.4節和A.5.4節則皆與環境管理系統稽核有關。 u\Fq\_ 1kb?y4xeJ 2.引用標準 N(t1?R/e, (目前無引用標準) ecA0z
c~ 3.定義 )w;XicT 本標準特採用下列定義: L)8;96 3.1 持續改善 1ReO.Dd`R p*#SSR9< 遵循組織本身的環境政策,改進整體的環境績效進而提升環境管理系統之過程。 ?v8RY,Q30 y'2K7\>E 註:此過程並不需要同時在所有的活動中進行。 3.1 Continual improvement p7zHP Process of enhancing the environmental management system to achieve improvements in overall environmental performance in line wITh the organization’s environmental policy CM9+h;Zm NOTE: The process need not take place in all areas of activity simultaneously sGMC$%e} *v l_3S5_ 3.2 環境 9DKmXL 1PLKcU 組織作業所在的週邊環境,包括空氣、水、土地、自然資源、植物、動物、人類,以及其間的互動關係。 x9-K}s]% 註:根據此定義之週邊環境乃從組織的內部延伸到全球的生態系統。 3.2 Environment ;PG'em Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation
78qf NOTE: Surroundings in this context extend from within an organization to the global system. *J1pxZ^ pA+Qb.z5z 3.3 環境考量面 Y*wbFL6` dn%/SJC 組織的作業活動、產品或服務中會和環境產生互動的要領。 .!)7x3|$[ 註:重大的環境考量面係指會有或可能有重大環境衝擊之環境考量面。 3.3 Environmental aspect kE6\G}zj Element of an organization‘s activities, products or services that can interact with the environment 4~Lw:o1a NOTE: A significant environmental aspect is an environmental aspect that has or can have a significant environmental impact. rp(`V@x3 VMHiuBz: 3.4 環境衝擊 nM
R_ ?g )I!l:!Ij*D 任何可完全或部份歸因於組織的活動、產品或服務對環境產生之有利或不利的改變。 3.4 Environmental impact
&w/aQs~ any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization‘s activities, products or services. k`\DC\0RG U%w-/!p 3.5 環境管理系統 E37`g}ZS v]_{oj_(- 係組織整體管理系統之一部份,用以建立、實施、達成、審查及維持環境政策,其內容包括組織架構、規劃作業、責任、實務、程序、過程以及資源。 173/A=] mjy%xzVr6^ 3.5 Environmental management system '%K,A-7W the part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy. CXA)Zl5# V=E9*$b] 3.6 環境管理系統稽核 .&}}ro48 `n5|4yaG~ 係一種系統化與文件化之查證過程,藉由客觀方式取得並評估稽核證據,以決定組織的環境管理系統是否符合環境管理系統的稽核準則,並將此過程之結果傳達予管理階層。 na8A}\!< dwAju:-H 3.6 Environmental management system audit rxm!'.+ a systematic and documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence to determine whether an organization‘s environmental management system audit criteria set by the organization, and for communication of the results of this process to management. HjV83S;
/r}t 3.7 環境目標 LFg<j1Gk` g-')|0py 組織根據本身的環境政策所設定欲達成之整體環境目的,並且儘可能的予以量化。 3.7 Environmental objective $WTu7lVV[1 overall environmental goal, arising from the environmental policy, that an organization sets itself to achieve, and which is quantified where practicable. n;O
3.2 ,'82;oP4 3.8 環境績效 #lV&U 組織的環境管理系統根據其環境政策、目標、標的控制其環境考量面所獲得之可量測之結果。 TKj9s'/ Cn+TcdHX 3.8 Environment performance I#$u(2.H Measurable results of the environmental management system, related to an organization‘s control of its environmental aspects, based on its environmental policy, objectives and targets. V&\ZqgDF yK [~(!c5 3.9 環境政策 |@V<}2zCZ 組織陳述本身對其整體環境績效的期許與原則之聲明文件,並據此提供行動架構以及設定環境目標與標的。 -+O8v;aC' @0Tm>s 3.9 Environmental policy `?`\!u
P" Statement by the organization of its intentions and principles in relation to its overall environmental performance which provides a framework for action and for the setting of its environmental objectives and targets. |A0kbC. S@T>u,t' 3.10 環境標的 u3ce\ 根據組織本身的環境目標所需設定的詳細且儘可能量化的績效要求,用以施行於組織之全部或部份,以利達成前述的環境目標。 )mp0k% 3.10 Environmental target d4A}BTs1 DetaiLED performance requirement quantified where practicable, applicable to the organization or parts thereof, that arises from the environmental objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives. [wIyW/+ S@Jl_`< 3.11 利害相關者 (Tc ~ Gz^g!N[ 對組織之環境績效關切或受其影響的個人或團體。 3.11 Interested party b!_l(2 Individual or group concerned with or affected by the environmental performance of an organization. dk;Ed 0D0 #*J 3.12 組織 Og-Mnx3 -hhE`Y 有自身之功能與行政管理的公有或民營、獨立或合股的各類型公司、行號、企業體、機關、機構,或者以上各團體的其中之一部份或組合謂之。 3/]J
i^+ f
{^n<\Jh 註:組織中有一個以上的營運單位者,其單一的營運單位也可定義為一個組織。 3.12 Organization Gs*ea'T) Company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration. 8v(Xr}q,r NOTE: For organizations with more than one operating unit, a single operating unit may be defined as an organization. c.jnPVf: %;^6W7 3.13 污染之預防 "@`M>)*o x40R)Led 採用可以避免、減少或控制污染之製程、操作實務、物料或產品,可包括回收再利用、處理、製程改變、控制機制、有效率地使用資源以及物料替代等。 AO^F6Y/ 註:污染預防的潛在效益包括減少不利之環境衝擊、提昇效率及降低成本。 h1)p{5}H 3.13 Prevention of pollution ,9W 0fm\t Use of processes, practices, materials or products that avoid, reduce or control pollution, which may include recycling, treatment, process changes, control mechanisms, efficient use of resources and material substitution. <<n8 P5pXt NOTE: The potential benefits of prevention of pollution include the reduction of adverse environmental impacts, improved efficiency and reduced costs. VFG)|Z )xTp7YnZ; 4.環境管理系統要求事項(Environmental management system requirements) o"'VI4 >E)UmO{S 4.1 一般要求事項 ~(hmiNa; 組織應建立並維持一個環境管理系統,本節(4)將說明此種系統的要求。 bS0^AVA 4.1 General requirements p8F|]6Z The organization shall establish and maintain an environmental management system, the requirements of which are described in the whole of clause 4. Xwx;m/ cl)MI,/> 4.2 環境政策 ~r>WnI:vg #2cH.`ty 高階主管應界定組織的環境政策,並確認該政策: ,pAMQ5 (a) 對組織之活動、產品或服務的性質、規模及環境衝擊是合宜的; 6] <?+#uQ (b) 包括對持續改善和污染預防之承諾; [5m;L5 (c) 包括對符合相關環保法令規章以及組織須遵守的其他要求事項之承諾; tQwbIX-7/ -lAA,}&+! (d) 提供一架構以設定與審查環境目標與標的; 4.2 Environmental policy *b.>pY?2| Top management shall define the organization‘s environmental policy and ensure that it 2;kab^iv' (a) is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities, products or services; C?E;sRr0 (b) includes a commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution; *$hO C%( (c) includes a commitment to comply with relevant environmental legislation and regulations, and with other requirements to which the organization subscribes; _xmM~q[c7p (d) provides the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets; g5Hs= c5=\ (e) 已文件化,並實施、維持、及傳達給所有的員工; bAW;2
NB (f) 可向社會大眾公開。 (e) is documented, implemented and maintained and communicated to all employees; yV`!Fq 1k (f) is available to the public. U+'?#"
J8( ^ 0TJys% 4.3 規劃 }}Q|O]e u`("x5sa 4.3.1 環境考量面 _@d.wfM 組織應建立並維持一個或多個程序以鑑別其可以控制以及預期能有影響的活動、產品或服務之環境考量面,藉以判斷其中已經或者可能會對環境造成重大衝擊者。組織在設定本身的環境目標時,應確認已將這些重大衝擊相關的環境考量面納入考慮。 .j;My%)?p 組織應保持此項資訊之更新。 SmtH2%y I r3iNfY b 4.3 Planning Nf$Y
-v?i 4.3.1 Environmental aspects /n:s9eq The organization shall establish and maintain (a) procedure(s) to identify the environmental aspects of its activities, products or services that it can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence, in order to determine those which have or can have significant impacts on the environment. The organization shall ensure that the aspects related to these significant impacts are considered in setting its environmental objectives. VS 8|lgQ The organization shall keep this information up-to-date. }3vB_0[r C#vh2' 4.3.2 法令規章與其它要求事項 @++
X H} $`]<4I9d 組織應建立並維持一程序,以鑑別並取得與本身之活動、產品或服務之環境考量面有關,且須遵守的一切法令規章與其它要求事項。 4.3.2 Legal and other requirements DhB:8/J The organization shall establish and maintain a procedure to identify and have access to legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, that are applicable to the environmental aspects of its activities, products or services. 17nWrTxR$ yqCy`TK8 4.3.3 目標與標的 1R,n[`}h EStHl(DUPq 組織於內部各相關部門與階層,應建立並維持其文件化的環境目標與標的。 'v\!}6 在建立與審查環境目標時,組織應考慮到法令規章與其他相關要求事項,本身重大的環境考量面,技術面取捨與財務、作業及業務等要求事項,以及利害相關 Nz$OD_] +Mg^u-(A 者的觀點。 4.3.3 Objectives and targets ,Hp9Gkm8I/ The organization shall establish and maintain documented environmental objectives and targets, at each relevant function and level within the organization. hW/*]7AM^ When establishing and reviewing its objectives, an organization shall consider the legal and other requirements, its significant environmental aspects, its 9>zN 27 b6]M}ixK u,oxUySeG 環境目標與標的應與環境政策一致,包括對污染預防的承諾。 %/'[GC'y! technological options and its financial, operational and business requirements, and the views of interested parties. ifBJ$x(B. The objectives and targets shall be consistent with the environmental policy, including the commitment to prevention of pollution. A.<X78!^ 40@KL$B= 4.3.4 環境管理方案 Xe+Hez, ;$0za]x 組織應制訂並維持一個或多個管理方案,以達成其環境目標與標的。方案中應包括: B,g
QeW& (a) 組織內各個相關部門與階層為達成環境目標與標的之權責分工; ViVYyA (b) 達成目標與標的之方法和時程。 WxXVL" 若一專案計畫與新開發案及新的或已修正的活動、產品或服務有關時,也應修訂環境管理方案,以確認環境管理也可適用於此專案計畫。 _IY)<'d 4.3.4 Environmental management programme(s) 4/d#)6
The organization shall establish and maintain (a) programme(s) for achieving its objectives and targets, it shall include -D
V;{8U4 (a) designation of responsibility for achieving objectives and targets at each relevant function and level of the organization; *Pq`~W_M7 (b) the means and time-frame by which they are to be achieved. >>!+Ri\@ If a project relates to new developments and new or modified activities, products or services, programme(s) shall be amended where relevant to ensure that environment applies to such projects. Xt~/8)& $MsM$]~ 4.4 實施與運作 NuXU2w~ jEI!t^# 4.4.1 架構與責任 UcK!v*3E 為了達成有效的環境管理,對角色、責任及權限加以界定、文件化及宣導溝通。 |0Zj/1<$ 管理階層應提供實施與管制環境管理系統所需要的資源,包括人力資源、專門技能、技術及財務的資源。 I]$kVa1iN 4.4 Implementation and operation w}2yi#E[ 4.4.1 Structure and responsibility "fmJ;W;#1 Roles, responsibility and authorities shall be defined, documented and communicated in order to facilitate effective environmental management. qI'a|p4fn? Management shall provide resources essential to the implementation and control of the environmental management system.
tk Resources include human resources and specialized skills, technology and financial resources and specialized skills, technology and financial resources. |epe;/ +^"|FtKhE 組織的高階主管應指派一個或多個特定之管理代表,這些人於原有職責外,應界定其角色、責任及權限以進行下列任務: AU7c =
H:? (a) 確認環境管理系統的各項要求係根據本標準而建立、實施及維持的; )@sz\yI%U (b) 向高階主管報告環境管理系統的績效以供審查,並做為改進環境管理系統之依據。 WIbU^WJ0 \"uR&D The organization‘s top management shall appoint (a) specific management representative(s) who, irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have defined roles, responsibilities and authority for 5&VLq (a) ensuring that environmental management system requirements are established, implemented and maintained in accordance with this International Standard; {j(,Q qB;f (b) reporting on the performance of the environmental management for review and as a basis for improvement of the environmental management system. f:=?"MX7 uL1
-@D, 4.4.2 訓練、認知及能力 Ddu$49{S: 組織應確認訓練需求,對於工作上可能會對環境產生重大衝擊的每位員工應要求其接受合適之訓練。 KBOxr5w 組織應建立並維持適當的程序,俾利各相關部門與階層的人員具有下列之認知: p;C`n)7P7 d F), (a) 符合環境政策與程序以及環境管理系統之各項要求的重要性; dhV=;'
"y62Wo6m) (b) 員工之作業活動對環境所造成之實際或潛在的重大環境衝擊,以及提升個人績效能夠帶來的環境效益; Vw+U?
(c) 為了符合環境政策與程序以及環境管理系統之各項要求,包括緊急事件準備及應變之要求,每個人所必須扮演的角色和負擔的責任。 4.4.2 Training, awareness and competence O.!|;)HQ The organization shall identify training needs. It shall require that all personnel whose work may create a significant impact upon the environment, have received appropriate training. [NyR$yD{ It shall establish and maintain procedure to make its employees or members at each relevant function and level aware of mKn:EqA (a) the importance of conformance with the environmental policy and procedures and with the requirements of the environmental management system; ~-|K5 (b) the significant environmental impacts, actual or potential of their work activities and the environmental benefits of improved personal performance; IhY[c/|i (c) their roles and responsibilities in achieving conformance with the requirements of the environmental management system, including emergency preparedness and response requirements; O57
eq.aT (d) 偏離特定作業程序時可能造成的後果。 U z[#t1*
擔任可能產生重大環境衝擊之工作的員工,應擁有適當的學歷、訓練及(或)經驗,以便勝任所負責的任務。 (d) the potential consequences of departure form specified operating procedures. vm
1vX; Personnel performing the tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts shall be competence on the basis of appropriate education, training and/or experience. gT?:zd=; (TgLCT[@T 4.4.3 溝通 M e_.X_
組織應針對環境考量面與環境管理系統建立並維持適當的程序,以供: ]>B>.
s (a) 組織內各部門與階層之間溝通;及 K!=Y4"5% (b) 接受、文件化以及回應由外部利害相關者所傳達的訊息。 O3x9S,1i 組織應考量對外溝通本身之重大環境考量面之過程,並記錄其決定。 U9[QdC {(Jbgsxm Kg4\:A7Sa. 4.4.3 Communication +&bJhX With regard to its environmental aspects and environmental management system, the organization shall establish and maintain procedures for ||yx?q6\h (a) internal communication between the various levels and functions of the organization; )d(F]uV:y (b) receiving, documenting and responding to the relevant communication from external interested parties. 6Uh_&?\% The organization shall consider process for external communication on its significant environmental aspects and record its decision. e\)r"!?H` }
B1f_T 4.4.4 環境管理系統之文件化 T"IDCT'z 組織應建立並維持書面或電子形式之資訊保持,以茲說明: 7!sR%h5p (a) 說明管理系統的核心要項,以及彼此之間的關連; &s^t~>Gpr (b) 供做相關文件的指南。 4.4.4 Environmental management system documentation "50c<sZSB The organization shall establish and maintain information, in paper or electronic form, to kY?w] lS)t (a) describe the core elements of the management system and their interaction; dD351!- (c) provide direction to related documentation. 0}mVP A1Es>NK[qW 4.4.5 文件管制 H#H[8# Z~AgZM
R 組織應建立並維持適當的程序,俾能管制本標準所要求的各項文件,以確認: Hkrh d 4.4.5 Document control rL,kDSLs The organization shall establish and maintain procedures for controlling all documents required by this International Standard to ensure that /$d#9Uv (a) 文件易於檢索; LEg ?/!LIT (b) 視情況需要定期審查和改訂文件,並由權責人員認可其適切性(adequacy); emHaZhh (c) 在所有關係到環境管理系統有效運作的重要作業之地點都可以取得相關文件現用版本。 b63DD( (d) 即時地將失效的文件自所有的發行處和使用處收回,否則要確保其不被誤用; TB_OFbI2 (e) 基於法律以及(或)保存知識的目的而保留的任何失效文件有適當的標明。 19bqz ) 文件資料應清楚易讀、標示日期(附改訂日期)、容易辨識,而且妥善的整理並在一指定的期間內予以保留。組織應建立並維持適當的程序和責任,以供製作及修改各類型的文件。 s(
:N>K5* w&Z.rB? m0*_ (a) they can be located; 6 u,w (b) they are periodically reviewed, revised as necessary and approved for adequacy by authorized personnel; q4niA (c) the current versions of relevant documents are available at all locations where operations essential to the effective functioning of the environment management system are performed; 'Uo|
@tK (d) obsolete documents are promptly removed from all points of issue and points of use, or otherwise assured against unintended use; `pXPF}T (e) any obsolete documents retained for legal and/or knowledge preservation purposes are suitably identified. t?FPmbjv Documentation shall be legible, dated (with dates of revision) and readily identifiable, maintained in an orderly manner and retained for a specified period. Procedures and responsibilities shall be established and maintained concerning the creation and modification of the various types of document. ~,{nBp9* 4.4.6 作業管制 `jT1R!$3F 組織應基於環境政策、目標及標的鑑別出有那些作業與活動項目係與已確認的重大的環境考量面有關。組織應規劃包括維修在內的上述活動,透過下列各項方式以確認作業時能符合規定的條件: `<?((l%;R m$bNQ7 4.4.6 Operational control ]U.YbWe^ The organization shall identify those operations and activities that are associated with the identified significant environmental aspects in line with its policy, objectives and targets. The organization shall plan these activities, including maintenance, in order to ensure that they are carried out under specified conditions by XtIY8wsP
Lu~M=Fh (a) 建立並維持文件化之程序俾能涵蓋如缺少那些程序時可能造成偏離環境政策和環境目標與標的之情況; 6M@m`c (b) 在這些程序中明訂作業準則; vU,
]UJ} (d) 建立並維持有關於組織所使用的商品和服務中可鑑別的相關重大環境考量面的程序,同時把相關程序與其要求傳達給供應商和承包商。 Sv03="& mYqRN1% (a) establishing and maintaining documented procedures to cover situations where their absence could lead to deviations from the environmental policy and the objectives and targets; QP4`r#, (b) stipulating operating criteria in the procedures; x2H?B`5 (c) establishing and maintaining procedures related to the identifiable significant environmental aspects of goods and services used by the organization and communicating relevant procedures and requirements to suppliers and contractors. UZqk2D 4.4.7 緊急事件準備與應變 ~<w9a] $NhKqA`0 組織應建立並維持適當的程序,以鑑別可能發生和因應所發生之意外或緊急狀況,並防止或減輕此類事件對環境造成的衝擊。 e{33%5 必要時,組織應審查並改訂其緊急事件準備及應變程序,特別是在意外或緊急狀況發生之後。 YPqp#X* 如實際可行,組織應定期測試這些應變程序。 #v`J]I)$ 4.4.7 Emergency preparedness and response ce\ F~8y The organization shall establish and maintain procedures to identify potential for and respond to accidents and emergency situations, and for preventing and mitigating the environmental impacts that may be associated with them. ?Em*yc@WD The organization shall review and revise, where necessary, its emergency preparedness and response procedures, in particular, after the occurrence of accidents or emergency situations. X#*|_(^ The organization shall also periodically test such procedures where practicable. Ge]2g0 Q}MS $[y 4.5 檢查與矯正措施 -Vi"hSsUP zi*2>
5g 4.5.1 監督與量測 8U07]=B
t< 組織應建立並維持文件化程序,以定期監督與量測會對環境產生重大衝擊的作業或活動主要特性。其中應包括資訊的紀錄以追蹤其績效相關的作業管制及組 4.5 Checking and corrective action a
N| MBX; 4.5.1 Monitoring and measurement Jk)^6 The organization shall establish and maintain documented procedures to monitor and measure, on a regular basis, the key characteristics of its operations and activities that can have a significant impact &\$l%icuo 織的環境目標與標的符合情形。 ,?+rM ; 監督設備應予校正和維修,其過程之紀錄應根據組織建立的程序加以保存。 O7shY4 Sr 組織應建立並維持文件化程序,以定期評估其與相關環境法令與規章之符合性。 OgNt"Vg ? {Lp zA&lJD$0 ;%Jw9G\h cbl2D5s+i] on the environment. This shall include the recording of information to track performance, relevant operational controls and conformance with the organization‘s environmental objectives and targets. LqTyE Monitoring equipment shall be calibrated maintained and records of this process shall be retained according to the organization‘s procedures. LoLmT7
The organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure for periodically evaluating compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations. c~(+#a ^0R.U+?+ 4.5.2 不符合、矯正及預防措施 tFL/zqgm 組織應建立並維持適當的程序以界定權責,俾處理及調查不符合情形並設法減輕所造成的衝擊,以及展開並完成矯正與預防措施。 a3
<D1" 採取任何矯正或預防措施以消除造成實際或潛在之不符合狀況的根本原因時,應根據問題的大小和對環境衝擊的程度採取適當的做法。 {[PoLOCI 8*3<Er
v 由於矯正與預防措施所產生的書面程序之變更,組織應實施並記錄之。 u-3A6Q 4.5.2 Nonconformance and corrective and preventive action ;wIpch
e The organization shall establish and maintain procedures for defining responsibility and authority for handling and investigating nonconformance, taking action to mitigate any impacts caused and for initiating and completing corrective and preventive action. 1q<BYc+z Any corrective or preventive action taken to eliminate the causes of actual and potential nonconformances shall be appropriate to the magnitude of problems and commensurate with the environmental impact encountered. hex:e2x The organization shall implement and record any changes in the documented procedures resulting from corrective and preventive action. >6Y\CixN pi:%Bd&F 4.5.3 紀錄 \ Q<c Y< 組織應建立並維持適當的程序,以進行環境紀錄的鑑別、維護和處置。這些紀錄中應包括訓練紀錄以及稽核與審查的結果。 vFLQq,?Nh 環境紀錄應清楚易讀,可辨識,並可追溯到相關的活動、產品或服務。環境紀錄的保存與維護應做到容易檢索、保護其不受到損壞、變質或遺失,而且應規定並記錄其保存期限。 $5ZBNGr 紀錄應以適合於系統與組織的方式維護,以展現其符合本標準之各項要求。 [ !/u, 7N,E%$QL 4.5.3 Records R!b<Sg The organization shall establish and maintain procedures for the identification, maintenance and disposition of environmental records j'FSd*5m Environmental records shall establish be legible, identifiable and traceable to the activity, product or service involved. Environmental records shall be stored and maintained in such a way that they are readily retrievable and protected against damage, deterioration or loss. Their retention times shall be established and recorded.
&2[OH}4 Records shall be maintained, as appropriate to the system and to the organization, to demonstrate conformance to the requirements of this International Standard. OAO|HH 4.5.4 環境管理系統稽核 Z8*E-y0 組織應建立並維持一個或多個方案與程序,俾能定期執行環境管理之稽核工作,以 [E<NEl* (a) 判斷環境管理系統是否 tIfA]pE (1)符合環境管理的各項規劃事項,包括本標準的要求在內;與 F,+nj?i! (2)獲得妥善地實施與維持;及 3y?I^ .B (b)將稽核結果之資訊提交管理階層。 vYb.Ub+ sI\v}$(~ 4.5.3 Environmental management system audit :Z)a&A9v The organization shall establish and maintain (a) programme(s) and procedures for periodic environmental management system audits to be carried out, in order to
K|[p4*6 (a) determine whether or not the environmental management system \cJ?2^Eq (1) conforms to planned arrangements for environmental management including the requirements of this International Standard; and CVUA7eG+ (2) has been properly implemented and maintained; and \tR](, / (b) provide information on the results of audits to management. xib?XzxGo 組織的稽核方案包括時程,應以有關活動之環境重要性與以往的稽核結果為依據。為了完整起見,稽核程序應包括稽核範圍、頻率與方法、以及執行稽核工作與結果報告的責任與要求。 'NaNh0y The organization’s audit programme, including any schedule, shall be based on the environmental importance of the activity concerned and the results of previous audits. In order to be comprehensive, the audit procedures shall cover the audit scope, frequency and methodologies, as well as the responsibilities and requirements for conducting audits and reporting results.
;IV 4.6 管理階層審查 .,({&L |