1.適用範圍 vy}_aD{B
4# PxJG6m
本國際標準規定環境管理系統的要求,使組織能考慮法令規定和重大的環境衝擊等相關資訊而擬訂環境政策及目標。此標準適用於組織可以控制以及預期能有影響的環境考量面。本標準本身並沒有陳述特定的環境績效準則。 ]{q=9DczG(
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本國際標準適用於任何期望做到下列各事項的組織: Z5n-3h!+ED
6u #eLs
實施、維持及改進環境管理系統; qD4s?j-9
確保其符合本身宣告的環境政策; bL`\l!qQx;
向他人展現其符合性; f|M^UHt8*
尋求由外部組織對本身的環境管理系統給予驗證/登錄; @Is
由本身進行符合本標準的自行評定與宣告。 Qw5(5W[L
本標準所有要求項目均可納入任何環境管理系統中。至於實際應用的程度,則必須依照組織的環境政策、作業活動性質以及作業條件等因素來決定。本標準也在附錄A中提供應用本規範的參考性指導綱要。 f.uuXK
任何應用ISO-14001之適用範圍必須清楚界定。 'g,_ lF
備註:為便於使用,規範本文和附錄A的主要條文之間採用了相對應的編號方式;例如4.3.3節及A.3.3節都是討論環境目標和標的之問題,而4.5.4節和A.5.4節則皆與環境管理系統稽核有關。 oNe:<YT
2.引用標準 X!LiekU!D
(目前無引用標準) hWbu
3.定義 Q2Ey RFT
本標準特採用下列定義: =23B9WT
3.1 持續改善 4cSs=|m?+
遵循組織本身的環境政策,改進整體的環境績效進而提升環境管理系統之過程。 ,&4
註:此過程並不需要同時在所有的活動中進行。 3.1 Continual improvement cJq{;~
Process of enhancing the environmental management system to achieve improvements in overall environmental performance in line wITh the organization’s environmental policy v"(6rZsa
NOTE: The process need not take place in all areas of activity simultaneously cwaR#-#
3.2 環境 HI D6h!
組織作業所在的週邊環境,包括空氣、水、土地、自然資源、植物、動物、人類,以及其間的互動關係。 ~!TrC<ft
註:根據此定義之週邊環境乃從組織的內部延伸到全球的生態系統。 3.2 Environment :jTbzDqQ
Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation v8E:64
NOTE: Surroundings in this context extend from within an organization to the global system. %`G}/"
3.3 環境考量面 DPnrzV)
組織的作業活動、產品或服務中會和環境產生互動的要領。 PB8U+
註:重大的環境考量面係指會有或可能有重大環境衝擊之環境考量面。 3.3 Environmental aspect 2V9"{F?
Element of an organization‘s activities, products or services that can interact with the environment A#~CZQY^$
NOTE: A significant environmental aspect is an environmental aspect that has or can have a significant environmental impact. f]Z9=
3.4 環境衝擊 sDHFZ:W
任何可完全或部份歸因於組織的活動、產品或服務對環境產生之有利或不利的改變。 3.4 Environmental impact M|z4Dy
any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization‘s activities, products or services. zq^eL=%:
3.5 環境管理系統 [QT
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係組織整體管理系統之一部份,用以建立、實施、達成、審查及維持環境政策,其內容包括組織架構、規劃作業、責任、實務、程序、過程以及資源。 a,*|*Cv
3.5 Environmental management system 0s%{m<
the part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy. _
3.6 環境管理系統稽核 ,?!4P+ob
係一種系統化與文件化之查證過程,藉由客觀方式取得並評估稽核證據,以決定組織的環境管理系統是否符合環境管理系統的稽核準則,並將此過程之結果傳達予管理階層。 `>}e
3.6 Environmental management system audit FHu+dZ
a systematic and documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence to determine whether an organization‘s environmental management system audit criteria set by the organization, and for communication of the results of this process to management. Wp$'#HhB
3.7 環境目標 ]^CNC0
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組織根據本身的環境政策所設定欲達成之整體環境目的,並且儘可能的予以量化。 3.7 Environmental objective (
overall environmental goal, arising from the environmental policy, that an organization sets itself to achieve, and which is quantified where practicable. vwQ6=
3.8 環境績效 h/n&&J
組織的環境管理系統根據其環境政策、目標、標的控制其環境考量面所獲得之可量測之結果。 8L*P!j9`EY
3.8 Environment performance VlQaT7Q
Measurable results of the environmental management system, related to an organization‘s control of its environmental aspects, based on its environmental policy, objectives and targets. ]p2M!N,?
3.9 環境政策 ^h@1t FF
組織陳述本身對其整體環境績效的期許與原則之聲明文件,並據此提供行動架構以及設定環境目標與標的。 /?j
3.9 Environmental policy -NyfW+T={
Statement by the organization of its intentions and principles in relation to its overall environmental performance which provides a framework for action and for the setting of its environmental objectives and targets. &qP&=( $
3.10 環境標的 )N4_SA
根據組織本身的環境目標所需設定的詳細且儘可能量化的績效要求,用以施行於組織之全部或部份,以利達成前述的環境目標。 tb-:9*2j-
3.10 Environmental target fc#zhp5bX
DetaiLED performance requirement quantified where practicable, applicable to the organization or parts thereof, that arises from the environmental objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives. 8 3wa{m:
3.11 利害相關者 5xawa:K
對組織之環境績效關切或受其影響的個人或團體。 3.11 Interested party .*s1d)\:
Individual or group concerned with or affected by the environmental performance of an organization. U
3.12 組織 .
有自身之功能與行政管理的公有或民營、獨立或合股的各類型公司、行號、企業體、機關、機構,或者以上各團體的其中之一部份或組合謂之。 wYrb P11
註:組織中有一個以上的營運單位者,其單一的營運單位也可定義為一個組織。 3.12 Organization o#-K,|-
Company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration. Ls#=R
NOTE: For organizations with more than one operating unit, a single operating unit may be defined as an organization. #mNM5(o
3.13 污染之預防 y^#jM
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採用可以避免、減少或控制污染之製程、操作實務、物料或產品,可包括回收再利用、處理、製程改變、控制機制、有效率地使用資源以及物料替代等。 ,{ C
註:污染預防的潛在效益包括減少不利之環境衝擊、提昇效率及降低成本。 #4ZDY,>Xi#
3.13 Prevention of pollution ][|)qQ
Use of processes, practices, materials or products that avoid, reduce or control pollution, which may include recycling, treatment, process changes, control mechanisms, efficient use of resources and material substitution. .~+I"V{yF
NOTE: The potential benefits of prevention of pollution include the reduction of adverse environmental impacts, improved efficiency and reduced costs.