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ISO/IE C 17025 – the internationalstandard on laboratories(三) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2009-10-07
— 本帖被 admin 从 专业英语 移动到本区(2011-02-01) —
关键词: ISO/IEC17025
For testing labs, Clause would read, “A testing laboratory performing its own calibrations shall have and shall apply a procedure to estimate the uncertainty of measurement for all calibrations and types of calibrations.” Clauses and would remain the same for testing laboratories. This separation of Clause 5.4.6 would help clarify the confusion of testing labs as to whether or not they can “calibrate” their own equipment. In other words, there seems to be a hierarchy of good calibration practices for a testing laboratory: # 1,"^k^  
? The highest level is for a testing lab to send its test equipment to an accredited calibration laboratory. This level of service provides the testing lab with calibrated equipment accompanied by a statement of measurement uncertainty for the calibration. t[r<&1[&  
? In the second level, the testing lab calibrates its own equipment. The testing lab must use equipment that is traceable, and it must calculate its own measurement uncertainty using its traceable equipment. H\>0jr `  
? In a third level, the testing lab uses a non-accredited calibration lab. The testing lab must check the traceability of the calibration lab, and the testing lab must calculate its d O})#50f  
measurement uncertainty using the traceable equipment of the non-accredited calibration lab. +VSq[P  
? Finally, a testing lab may verify some of its equipment; to do this, it uses traceable equipment, but it does not calculate the measurement uncertainty. y^u9Ttf{  
Clause 5.5 on Equipment would require some simple changes in wording depending on the type of lab. For example, Clause 5.5.12 would read as follows for testing labs, “Test equipment, including both hardware and software, shall be safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the test results.” For calibration labs, it would read, “Calibration equipment, including both hardware and software, shall be safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the calibration results.” ~[N"Q|D3Y  
Clause 5.6 on Measurement Traceability would see major changes. Clause 5.6.1 would require slight rewording for calibration labs, and Clause would survive only for calibration labs. Clause would be eliminated for calibration labs, and Clause 5.6.3 on Reference Standards and Reference Materials would remain for calibration labs. For testing labs, Clause 5.6.1 would be reworded to read, “All equipment used for test, including equipment for subsidiary measurements (e.g., for environmental conditions) having a significant effect on the accuracy or validity of the result of the test or sampling shall be calibrated before being put into service. The laboratory shall have an established program and procedure for the calibration of its equipment.” Clause would be deleted for testing labs, and Clause would be rewritten to cover the requirements necessary for testing labs. Clause 5.6.3 would remain for testing labs. -%G}T}"_  
Clause 5.7 on Sampling would remain basically the same with some simple changes in wording to distinguish the testing and calibration activities. Clause 5.8 on Handling of Test and Calibration Items would need a change in title. Obviously, for testing labs, it would become “Handling of Test Items.” For calibration labs, it would become “Handling of Calibration Items.” Clause 5.9 would be titled “Assuring the Quality of Test Results” for testing labs and Clause 5.9.1 would read “The laboratory shall have quality control procedures for monitoring the validity of tests undertaken.” For calibration labs, the title would be “Assuring the Quality of Calibration Results.” Clause 5.10 would be rewritten focus on test reports for testing labs and calibration certificates for calibration labs. q,Nhfo(  
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SUMMARY prdc}~J8{  
Testing laboratories and calibration laboratories are distinctly different in their operations and their areas of specialty. Testing laboratories cover a wide range of concerns including r3}Q1b&  
electromagnetic compatibility, acoustics, environmental, shock/vibration, soil testing, chemicals, and other areas. Calibration laboratories calibrate test equipment that is used G~+BO'U9'G  
by these testing laboratories. There is a great deal of similarity between calibration laboratories, there may be very little similarity between testing laboratories. It would be a reasonable division of duties to rewrite ISO/IEC 17025 into a testing lab standard and a calibration lab standard. It would be greatly appreciated by lab assessors and by laboratories (especiallythose in non-English speaking countries) around the world. \/8oua_)  







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